No one should dictate social values into other communities' lives... Any external power onto them, for the sake of modernization / globalization, will end in chaos.. For instance:
Fancy and slay concepts such as human rights, women's rights, animals' rights etc. are not known in this African tribe shown in the picture ...
However, these people live at a invaluable social peace that they have established in accordance with their beliefs and traditions, as long as they have no interference by the west. It is no one's business to build their ethic values on their behalves. It is their own business.
They, the tribe members, do not have a desire to impose their lifestyle on anybody or on any culture overtly or covertly at all...
Yet, If you provide these people with an unjust right "to imprison or indemnify someone only by a word of no proof", it will open a way to the accuser (Including children) to slander innocent people to actualize their absurd wishes. Hence instead of the HARMONY and PEACE we see in the picture, slander, unfair vulgarity, unreasonable indemnity for a never happened sexual harassment will prevail in order to gain whatsoever they want. As a result, Chaos will emerge, and unwanted violence will appear in response for the sake of so called outlawed justice. And this chaos will later be used as a basement for another upcoming social disorder.... This is the vicious cycle desired, and this is the view the west want to see: 👇
This, the convention, is an instigation project, aiming so called "peace" as aimed in the democracy project for Afganistan and Iraq.
Question: Is west successful in stopping knifed violence in Newyork?
So what gives them credit to impose "Violence Preventing Measures" on others?
What the Annuled Istanbul Convention wanted to do was to dynamite the values of society with its fancy chocolate covered words and concepts such as "Women's rights, universal values, animals' rights etc." ... Why were there not men's rights in this bloody convention annuled? ...
Why LGBT was associated with Istanbul?. Is it to manipulate Muslims easily under the strong brand?...
Nasty Example: Two sisters in Turkey who were found to behave inappropriately by their uncle, slandered him for harassment and sent him to jail and later gave up with remorse saying it was all to button him up....
INTERESTING PART: Once you are accused of harassment by a slanderer, the judge has no power to reconcile, or the slanderer to withdraw her claim ... This is cruelty ...
The cause of the increase in "Violence as a response" in our society has been this convention itself since signed in 2011.
Because "The acceptable accusation with no proof" naturally led to "Legal but illegitimate right of setting up a conspiracy for an unjust compensation", a gate for making undeserved money for the malicious.
Feeling desperate in a corner against these pervasive and malicious operations, the prey person tried to get justice on his own way as an impulsive response, what we naturally call violence...
This (Giving women the right of accusation with no proof) is the reason for the increase of male violence and imprisonment in society... Thus it only helps making the countries' fellow manpower shabby and servile so they could not fight against the crusades as coined by a president in 2001.
On the other hand, this convention, which aims to destroy millennia-old values and traditions, did not propose a remedy for stopping the violence. (Interesting)
QUESTION 1: Why is there no such thing as men's right? ...
QUESTION 2: Why did Russia with a deep culture ban the discussion of this issue for 100 years? Do you think it's because they are ignorant.
QUESTION 3: Who are the politicians that signed this convention in 2011 and what are they incubating for now?
QUESTION 4: Why was the name of the convention associated with Istanbul? Could it be to deceive the entire muslim geography
QUESTION 5: If the traditions are to be disregarded as implied by the convention, where do we put the preposition by worldwide known psychologist ERIK ERIKSON's claim of "Societies that live by their traditions do not suffer from stress and depression" in his "Identity and The Life Cycle". Is it false then?.
QUESTION 6: Why did this text become an international convention?. Is that because international conventions are equally strong as constitutional decrees?. So no one can dare to modify? Why are domestics laws not sufficient?. Any idea?...
MAIN QUESTION: What business do the globalist, the crusader and the Zionist have to set the principles of social peace in muslim territories? Can't nations do it themselves?
Does anyone know the answer?.
ANSWERING THAT SLAY QUESTION "Does it overtly read in the text", BY QUESTIONS:
• Did it overtly read in any text when Mr. Herzl demanded a farm in Palestine from Sultan in 1900's?.
• Did he overtly mention that they were going to set a state who's borders would be undefined, called Israel and would burn up the whole middle east in the upcoming century?
• Did it overtly read in the agreements between Sherif Hussein and Lawrence that they were going to split Arab Peninsula into tens of weak city states in order to manipulate in the upcoming century easily?.
Last but not least:
Shame on anyone who signed, voted, supported, cheered this diabolic convention which has bullied the fellow Turkish Countrymen for ten years since 2011. Those who contributed, may your blood be on your own head , until the judgment day...
End state: Those impose such instigation text on other nations, go and prevent the knifed violence in New York first.. Then we'll be able to see a proof that you are capable of...
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