Outcomes of The Individualization Trap

Through 1980’s, a movement dominated the life on earth that is called “individualization”. This movement, injected into the minds of people by books, films, Tv series and advertisements in a sly and subliminal way. Basically what the secret perpetrators of this movement injected was; “You are unique, you can judge everything by yourself, you don’t need to consult with anyone for anything, what you want is the most correct one, beyond this, all offered to you by family, community, religion, and the state are designed for your unhappiness. Thus, you should walk your own path because it is the only way to take you to the happiness you’ve been longing for too long.” Of course these injections were not written or spoken as open as above, rather were internalized by individuals through reading, watching, deducting, inferring, impersonating and witnessing. This way, there popped up the character types, so to say, “his/her serene highnesses”, feminists who denied the genetic role of male human, briefly meaning dismissal of the men from families, causing an excluded human type who later resorted to physical power, the only way he is superior in domestic fight. This was totally a male’s rebelling to a repelling from the tenure assigned by God…

Upon having a rise in the number of people having the injected thoughts, with the support of laws, media and social media, we have witnessed today’s scattered families. Nevertheless, the laws should have been compliant with the culture of each nation, rather than “one size fits all” perception, but it didn’t happen. The social media controlling the life today opened a new freedom zone for the woman while causing the man suffer from emotions of exclusion, repulsion, nihilism, envy, anger, rage and finally depression in compliance with the male genetic codes, ended in domestic violence. We were advised to report to police to seek corrective measures. Corrective? Are we sure? Does the police say “Keep away from depression or I’ll arrest you.”? Is this what happens? Does reporting to police (I’m not saying unnecessary) heal the depression? Do freedom restricting penalties recover the scattered families? No I don’t think so, it might be necessary for the social order but no penalty can change the emotional scheme of a person other than pushing it into the dark side of the soul as long as the genetic codes are peeping there. It is quiet the of west’s dilemma of “First create a problem then try to solve it, you’ll benefit the situation” as in the example of encouraging for over eating first then pushing them to attend commercial exercise centers to make money from both. Same old same old, first impair the family, then offer a solution which never helps rebuild it so the pavement to the new world order is being done in a blurry and chaotic way…

Since 80’s, there has been an unprecedented gap between generations. I, as a single male parent over 50, witnessed my grandpa ploughed the field using his ox and the other equipment for cultivation but now trying to re-orientate, re-position, re-coordinate myself in the new digital jungle. That is a huge change in one’s life. Today’s parents above 50 were subjected to a grow-up-regime to make them “part of the society” rather than “selfish loner in the society” in spite of all condensed propaganda by the perpetrators of this new life style. This generation were kids when being a kid didn’t cost a cent, because they were grown up in the authoritative atmosphere of 1940’s. And today are parents while being a parent doesn’t cost a cent, because the kids are being parented by artificial intelligence (AI). So to say, parents, never realizing what’s happening around, have been discarded by the community engineers already… 

Okay, where are we at in terms of individualization? We came to the current point that can be called ‘the edge of a digital world empire’ in which the 200 world states are aimed to be 2.000, each of them as weak as subservient and servile to the wishes of the world designers. A world in which individuals are encouraged to bear microchips under their skins in order to be fooled for having privileges at first like not carrying passports or ID or Bank Cards, avoiding red tape, etc., not knowing that they are in an allurement to step in the digital slavery zone voluntarily in which they would live as long as their digital credit allow them. Thus we have to describe the perimeters of digital life in a sound way or we’ll be allured into such a foggy zone. Indeed what individualization dictated us is against our belief, because we were not created to follow the direction of our noses, rather was divinely designed to be part of a righteous community…  Individual thoughts are like asses for everybody has one and it is quite difficult and weird to select one out of 7.5 billion to constitute a path for humanity. Rather we were meant to go by the ‘rule of creation’, not promoting LGBT. This is what individualization has deteriorated in years. The basement of this movement is ‘Sever the human from belief and culture to drive them into a storm in their souls then they will embrace any order better then such a chaos.’ simply ‘divide and rule’ policy. Yes, this is what’s happening to us, now approaching to the second phase that is ‘singularity’. In particular, studio apartment concept is not something spontaneous, the goal is to sever the generations from families in order to make them loners to be used as a singular slave in an ‘it’s all yours’ manner in the upcoming digital slavery era. The phrase recently used ‘social distance’ is another subtle and subliminal way of saying ‘forget socialization’, otherwise it would read ‘physical distance’…

We cannot deny the digital system at all but we can use it to facilitate our lives, this indeed would be good for us but we cannot let it enslave humankind. The borderline in between is as critical as a bistoury which can be a weapon for a murderer but can be a recovery tool in the hands of a surgeon. The determinant is your intention in both cases. Here, the predictive factors are the belief, own reality and commonsense, you name it. For instance, education has now been entrapped by the digital system which may offer comfort for both giving and receiving sides but the reality is that it’s totally different to be in face, to have eye contact and to read the gestures of a teacher, all are parts of education though. This is what the masters of digital life are trying to diminish in our conventional lives. Not to forget ‘the rule of creation’, I’m sure, remembering who we are by observing the nature even by looking through the window during the pandemic will set a safety valve for our souls. What do you think the current situation looks like? To me it looks like SNAFU…

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